Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I don’t know if you have ever heard of the ‘Kansas Rectangle’, I hadn’t until I read an article about it on Think of it as a different version of the ‘Bermuda Triangle’, just a different shape. According to the article, thousands of people have disappeared in this rectangle. This horrible rectangle covers all of Kansas and some of neighboring states, including Nebraska. I have been to Kansas a couple times and I never disappeared or lost track of time or where I was. I even have family members that live in Kansas City and they have never disappeared either. I believe this entire myth is complete crap. If this rectangle was as dangerous as the article made it seem, I doubt thousands of people would be living in it. The thousands of people they say went missing into some other dimension, probably disappeared like everybody else in this world does, they either got kidnapped, ran away, or they died and nobody has found they body.
I kind of believe the whole ‘Bermuda Triangle’ story, because nobody lives in the Bermuda Triangle, but people do live in Kansas. Where this whole story began, I don’t really know, but who ever started it, is probably one of those people who believe stars are really aliens trying to send signals to us on earth. They are the type of people not to take really seriously. And any scientist that believes this story, really needs to rethink their career choice.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

All of the articles on "the Onion" are fake. They are satire. Someone made it up to be humorous.